hat are your aliases? List current and previous ones, if applicable.
[cobra, slayer, silver]
Were you recommended by a Ks member to join this clan? If so, state their alias(es).
Approximately, when did you start playing Tremulous?
[august 2009]
What previous clans have you been in? What positions have you held?
[Evil, Nz]
What is your age and gender?
[male, 16]
Which Australian/New Zealand state are you playing from?
[New zealand]
Do you have a history of server bans for rule breaking (this includes for using cheats, malicious deconstruction, abuse, etc.)? If so, please list reasons and durations of bans as well as the server you were banned from.
[i was once banned from inf for awping the admin while flashed... he said aimbot and banned me but then it got resolved and im back in]
Why do you wish to join Ks?
[this is a very good clan and i can see that i would be able to greatly improve my skills here]
How often do you play Tremulous per week (approx.)?
[Around 8-10 hours a day]
What servers do you usually play on?
[all evil servers, kc servers, Inf dust]
Will you be able to access Ventrilo (voice chat freeware)?
[never heard of this sorry]
When do you wish to be trialed?*
[wednesday 1 december 2010, at approx 11am nz time]
Please include any additional information here (optional):