What is/are your in-game name(s)?
[Answer] Dufus
sometimes use meh bros name Leighrex
When did you start playing Tremulous?
[Answer] about 4 months back
Which Australian/New Zealand state are you playing from?
Best weapon as a human? Best class as an alien?
[Answer] Human < Shotty/Rifal Alien<< Mara
Worst weapon as a human? Worst class as an alien?
[Answer] Human <Blaster/MD Alien <Dragoon
Favourite map and why? Least favourite map and why?
[Answer] Favriout KARITH!!! its different i dont know why
Hatezor map << Tremor dont ask y it annoys me
Do you prefer playing aliens or humans, why?
[Answer] Aliens << Mara!
Why do you wish to join Ks?
[Answer] Because lots of friendly people are in it and i mite learn alot about the class i suck at lol
and there CHILL!
When do you wish to be trialed?
[Answer] When ever im avaliable?
Please include any additional information here (optional):
We all need someone with a sense of Humor .. Sexy times